Driving a higher standard of professionalism of engineers for a safer tomorrow.
To protect the public and maintain confidence in the profession by upholding the highest standard of engineering.
we drive a high standard of professionalism and pursue opportunities to continuously improve
we make informed and objective decisions in a transparent manner and we are accountable for our actions
we are honest and ethical and treat everyone reasonably, equally, and with respect
we work as a unified team to create effective outcomes and build relationships with our stakeholders
We support the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.
The Strategic Plan 2024–2028 recognises our commitment to human rights, acknowledges our First Peoples – all of which are central to the culture we want to achieve together.
The Strategic Plan 2024–2028 details the strategic risks that we need to manage, the opportunities we can pursue, the strategies we will employ to deliver our objectives and the performance indicators that will measure our success.
View and download the current and previous strategic plans
Amend and improve the legislation to better protect the profession and the public
Revise the areas of engineering to reflect changes in engineering and synergise areas of engineering of a similar nature
Attract and support more women into the profession
Continue to improve relationships with key stakeholders, peak bodies and industry to provide a more responsive and efficient public service
Create a new provisional category of registration for recently graduated engineers bridging the gap between graduation and registration as a professional engineer
Establish international networks to understand how other countries regulate engineers and coordinate regulatory efforts
Educate RPEQs to maintain high standards and professionalism through education
Lead the discussion regarding a National Professional Engineering Registration Scheme
The Board recognises that it must uphold its reputation through proactive engagement with its stakeholders.
The Board is committed to people safety, both internally and externally, in its role as an employer and regulator.
The Board is committed to protecting the public by ensuring professional engineering services are provided by a RPEQ in a professional and competent way.
The Board places great importance on governance and compliance and has a low appetite for any breaches in statute, regulation, professional standards, ethics, bribery or fraud.
The Board aims to make its workplace a stimulating, supportive and safe place to work.
The Board continues to build high performance, dedicated, professional and innovative capabilities of its staff, through empowerment and leadership development.
It is a requirement to ensure the Board’s systems and processes operate effectively and securely.
The Board has little appetite for failure to comply with the Act that include persons, stakeholders or entities performing professional engineering services and assessments, subject to the materiality and/or potential consequences of the event.