Make a complaint

You can make a complaint about the conduct of a RPEQ or unregistered persons.
The Complaint Form should be completed after reading the Complaints Against
Registered Professional Engineer Information Sheet and Checklist.

The completed Complaint Form and supporting documentation should be lodged with BPEQ at:

The Registrar

Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
GPO Box 5216



    I have read and understand the above and the Complaints against Registered Professional Engineers and Investigation Decisions policy and want to lodge a complaint.

    Have you tried to resolve the matter with the RPEQ?

    [group resolve]

    BPEQ recommends that before lodging a complaint, you should attempt to resolve the complaint with the RPEQ or a more senior person at the RPEQ’s firm.


    [group sectionA-ish]

    To make a complaint, download and complete the Form 6 Complaint Form below:

    Make a complaint



    The Complaint Form, Information Sheet and Checklist were published on 30 September 2021.