Right to Information (RTI) is the Queensland Government’s approach to giving the community greater access to information, equal access across all sectors of the community, and appropriate protection for individuals’ privacy.
In making a decision about whether to release information, an RTI decision maker must apply the provisions of the RTI Act. This may mean that certain requested documents will not be released.
Please note that BPEQ may request extensions of time to deal with access applications.
If you disagree with a decision made under the RTI Act you can apply for a review of the decision. You can do this by: requesting an internal review in writing to the Registrar of the Board within twenty (20) business days of the date of the decision letter. A person at the same level or more senior to the original decision-maker will make a new decision; or requesting an external review in writing to the Office of the Information Commissioner within twenty (20) business days of the date of the decision letter. The Information Commissioner may try to mediate a settlement between the parties or make a new decision.
Under the IP Act, you may request to amend personal information in a document if you believe the personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading. In the first instance, please contact us to amend your details. If you wish to make a formal application, you can submit an application using the Information privacy personal information amendment application form. There are no charges for applications to amend personal information.