Frequently asked questions
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BPEQ cannot recommend an engineer, but all engineers registered by BPEQ have been assessed as qualified and competent professionals. Members of the public can search for a RPEQ by name, location, area of engineering or RPEQ number.
A professional engineering service is a service that requires — or is based on — the application of engineering principles and data to a design, construction, production, operation or maintenance activity that relates to engineering.
RPEQs are registered for a maximum period of 12 months, between 1 July and 30 June.
Yes. All RPEQs must renew their registration during the annual renewal period, which runs from 1 April to 31 May each year.
If the qualification and competency requirements for professional accreditation from an organisation that administers an approved assessment scheme on BPEQ’s behalf, are equivalent to or exceed the qualification and competency requirements for RPEQ registration, then it can be used to prove eligibility for registration.
It is important to be aware that engineers do not have to be a member of an organisation or obtain professional accreditation to become a RPEQ. Engineers are entitled to request only a RPEQ assessment from an organisation that administers an approved assessment scheme for their area of engineering.
Holders of the Civil Aviation and Safety Authority’s (CASA) Instrument of Authority can use this accreditation to prove eligibility for registration in Aeronautical Engineering.
BPEQ is the statutory regulator for the profession, and administers an Act of Parliament (the Professional Engineers Act 2002). Engineers must be registered by BPEQ to carry out professional engineering services in or for Queensland. BPEQ can receive complaints about engineering services and investigate and prosecute persons for breaches of the PE Act.
Professional organisations such as Engineers Australia or the AusIMM are voluntary membership bodies. These organisations do not have any legal framework to investigate or prosecute persons.
As the Application for Registration (Form 2) is a legal document, an original (wet ink) signature is required.
No. BPEQ only accepts Mastercard or Visa if paying by credit card.
A prescriptive standard is a document that states procedures or criteria for carrying out an engineering service, the application of which does not require advanced scientifically-based calculations.
Yes. If you are an engineer from interstate or overseas carrying out a professional engineering service for a Queensland-based project, you are required to be a RPEQ, or be directly supervised by a RPEQ. Regardless of whether any of the work is physically undertaken in Queensland, the PE Act applies on an extraterritorial basis.
Yes. You can be registered in as many areas of engineering as you like. For each area, you will need to undertake assessment of your qualifications and competencies through the appropriate assessment scheme. Your total CPD obligations remain at 150 hours per three-year period, regardless of the number of areas you are registered in. You must ensure you include a balance of CPD to maintain your competency in all areas in which you are registered.
You can be registered in as many areas of engineering as you like providing that you have undertaken an assessment of your qualifications and competencies through the appropriate assessment scheme for each area you are applying for. Your total CPD obligations remain at 150 hours per three-year period regardless of the number of areas you are registered in, but you must ensure that you include a balance of CPD to maintain your competency in all areas in which you are registered.
No. Engineering technologists and associates do not meet the qualification standard to be eligible for registration as a RPEQ. If you believe your qualification coupled with your competency and work experience is equivalent to that of a RPEQ, you should contact your preferred assessment scheme to be assessed.
Carry out all professional engineering services under the direct supervision of a RPEQ who is responsible for the services. The PE Act states that a person can carry out professional engineering services in Queensland or for Queensland whilst unregistered if they are carrying out the services under the direct supervision of a RPEQ who is responsible for the services. So, when you start working you can undertake professional engineering services, but you need to ask the question at your work: “Who is the RPEQ who will provide me with direct supervision until I am eligible to become a RPEQ?”