File a complaint

On this page

You can make a complaint about the conduct of a RPEQ or unregistered persons.

The complaints process provides a mechanism to bring to the Board’s attention any conduct by a RPEQ which may give rise to a ground for disciplining that RPEQ.

Information provided with a complaint may also lead to prosecution of offences against the Act by unregistered persons. If you are aggrieved by the conduct of a RPEQ’s conduct in carrying out professional engineering services, you may make a complaint to the Board.

If you would like to draw the Board’s attention to the conduct of an unregistered person which may give rise to an offence against the Act, then you may send relevant information to the Board. The Board has power to investigate the conduct of a RPEQ the subject of a complaint. Where appropriate, investigation may lead to a disciplinary sanction (caution, reprimand etc), a disciplinary proceeding, prosecution or deregistration.

Please note - if you are seeking to provide a complaint or compliment about a member of the BPEQ team, please visit the Provide the Board with feedback page

The complaint form 

Submitting your complaint form

The completed Complaint Form and supporting documentation should be lodged with BPEQ at:

The Registrar

Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
GPO Box 5216

