BPEQ is committed to assisting RPEQs maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and competence. Practice notes are issued by BPEQ to guide RPEQs in complying with, and understanding the requirements of the PE Act and the Code of Practice.
The purpose of the practice note is to clarify the Board’s position in relation to RPEQs who were registered prior to the 1 July 2008 amendments to the Professional Engineers Act 2002.
The purpose of the practice note is to clarify the Board’s position in relation to RPEQs who were registered prior to the 1 July 2008 amendments to the Professional Engineers Act 2002.
The purpose of this practice note is to provide an explanation of the meaning of these terms ‘professional engineering services’ and ‘prescriptive standards’.
The purpose of this practice note is to clarify the Board’s position on issues relating to project certification in the context of the Professional Engineers Act 2002.
The purpose of this practice note is to clarify the Board’s position on issues relating to project certification in the context of the Professional Engineers Act 2002.
The purpose of this practice note is to offer guidance for engineers working in academia or at universities with regard to their obligations under the Prefessional Engineers Act.