Continuing professional development

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Engineers carry out highly complex work, so it is important they maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills.

To continue to be eligible for registration, RPEQs must comply with the Board’s Continuing Registration Requirements (CRRPolicy (2.02). BPEQ’s CRR policy states that RPEQs must:

    1. complete a minimum of 150 hours of structured continuing professional development (CPD) over a three-year period leading up to the renewal or restoration of their registration;
    2. undertake a minimum 75% (112.5 hours) of the 150 hours as technical CPD;
    3. undertake a maximum 25% (37.5 hours) of the 150 hours as non-technical CPD;
    4. undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering ethics; and
    5. undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering risk management.

CPD is designed to extend the RPEQ’s knowledge and skills in their area/s of engineering. The Board has seven categories in which CPD hours can be claimed:

CPD TypeLimitations
Formal post-graduate study or tertiary course units not undertaken for award purposes There is no limit to the maximum number of hours you can claim
Short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings There is no limit to the maximum number of hours you can claim
Structured learning activities in the workplace that extend competence in the area/s of engineering Maximum 75 hours
Private study which extend knowledge and skills Maximum 18 hours
Service to the engineering profession Maximum 50 hours
Preparation and presentation of papers for courses, conferences, seminars or publication maximum of 45 hours for papers published in journals and conference proceedings, or a maximum of 75 hours for papers subject to critical peer review
Practitioners employed in tertiary teaching or academic research A minimum of 40 hours of industry involvement must be claimed

CPD Recordkeeping

BPEQ requires RPEQs to maintain their own CPD records.

It is good practice for RPEQs to review and update their CPD records regularly so that it remains accurate and can be provided for auditing purposes. RPEQs must also keep evidence in support of the CPD activities, such as certificate of completion, attendance records, invoice/receipt, in-house CPD records and attendance confirmation emails.

RPEQs should also keep details on how the CPD activities have extended their knowledge in the area/s of engineering for which they are or were registered.

CPD Audits

RPEQs will be audited to ensure they are meeting their CPD obligations. Generally, in accordance with BPEQ’s policy, RPEQs will be audited once every seven years.

BPEQ works together with the approved assessment entities to audit CPD compliance. RPEQs must either comply with BPEQ’s CPD scheme or one of the approved assessment entity’s schemes – the requirement for 150 hours of structured CPD over a three-year period is uniform across all schemes.

If a RPEQ declares on their registration renewal form that they comply with BPEQ’s CPD scheme, then BPEQ will carry out the audit. For RPEQs who declare on their registration renewal form that they comply with CPD scheme of an approved assessment entity, that entity will carry out the audit.

RPEQs who do not meet their CPD obligations – either under the BPEQ scheme or the scheme of an approved assessment entity – will have the opportunity to explain why they did not comply. Failure to comply and not having a valid reason may result in the RPEQ being refused registration or a condition being placed on their registration.

CPD for multiple areas, part-time / casual and non-practising

Information on BPEQ’s CRR and CPD requirements for multiple areas of practice, part-time or casual employment provision or non-practising (career break provision) can be found in the Continuing Registration Requirements Policy (2.02).