Continuing registration requirements policy
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Version 1 (October 2020)
POLICY CATEGORY | Registrations - External | |
AUTHOR | Kaine Barton | |
First Draft | October 2020 | |
Second Draft | ||
Approved by Board | 28 October 2020 | |
Superseded |
Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (Board) is a statutory body established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld) (Act), to uphold the standards of practice through regulating the engineering profession in Queensland.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the Board’s Continuing Registration Requirements (CRR) in accordance with Part 2, Division 4, Subdivision 1 of the Act, for engineers applying for renewal or restoration of their registration.
This policy provides:
- the framework on the nature and extent of continuing professional development (CPD) to be undertaken by the applicant;
- the framework on the nature and extent of research, study or teaching, relating to engineering, to be undertaken by the applicant; and
- the framework on the nature and extent of administrative work, relating to engineering, to be performed by the applicant.
The relevant functions of the Board relating to this policy are to:
- when considering an application for renewal, deciding whether an applicant has satisfied the CRR;1 and
- when considering an application for restoration, deciding whether an applicant has satisfied the CRR;2
CRR are requirements that, if satisfied, demonstrate that an applicant for renewal or restoration of registration has maintained competency in their area/s of engineering and within their area of competence for which the applicant is, or was, registered.
These requirements are met if the applicant is registered with an assessment entity for participation in the CRR of an assessment scheme conducted by the entity, or otherwise complying with the Board’s CRR.
For engineers who are not registered with an assessment entity for participation in CRR, the Board undertakes annual audits to ensure Registered Professional Engineers of Queensland (RPEQ) continue to meet CRR.
RPEQs registered with an assessment entity for participation in CRR
If the applicant is registered with an approved assessment entity for participation in the CRR of an assessment scheme conducted by the entity, the applicant is to comply with the CRR of that assessment scheme.
Assessment entities can provide notifications to the Board on applicants who fail to meet the CRR of that assessment scheme.
RPEQs complying with the Board’s CRR
If the applicant is not registered with an approved assessment entity for participation in the CRR of an assessment scheme, the applicant must comply with the Board’s CRR for the area of engineering for which the applicant is, or was registered.
The Board’s CRR requirements are, that to continue to be eligible for registration, applicants must:
- complete a minimum of 150 hours of CPD over a three-year period leading up to the renewal or restoration of their registration in the area/s of engineering for which the applicant is, or was, registered;
- undertake a minimum 75% (112.5 hours) of the 150 hours as technical CPD;
- undertake a maximum of 25% (37.5 hours) of the 150 hours as non-technical CPD (e.g. project management, law, communication);
- undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering ethics; and
- undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering risk management.
CPD is designed to extend an RPEQs knowledge and skills in their area’s of engineering. The Board has seven categories in which applicants can claim CPD hours:
1 | Formal post-graduate study or tertiary course units not undertaken for award purposes. | There is no limit to the maximum numbers of hours you can claim. |
2 | Short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings. | There is no limit to the maximum number of hours you can claim. |
3 | Structured learning activities in the workplace that extend competence in the area/s of engineering. | A maximum of 75 hours of you total CPD may be claimed. |
4 | Private study which extends knowledge and skills. | A maximum of 18 hours of your total CPD may be claimed. |
5 | Service to the engineering profession. | A maximum of 50 hours of your total CPD may be claimed. |
6 | Preparation and presentation of papers for courses, conferences | A maximum of 45 hours for papers published in journals and conference proceedings, or a maximum of 75 hours for papers subject to critical peer review. |
7 | Practitioners employed in tertiary teaching or academic research. | A minimum of 40 hours of industry involvement must be claimed. |
CPD for multiple areas of practice
If you are registered for more than one area of engineering, you must record as a minimum at least 50 hours of technical CPD for each area of engineering. You must also continue to meet the minimum requirement of 112.5 hours overall of technical CPD.
For example, if you are registered for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, you must undertake a minimum of 50 hours of technical CPD related to both mechanical and electrical. Some technical CPD activities may overlap and in this case, you can label the activities as both mechanical-related and electrical-related CPD.
The diagram below illustrates a situation where 15 hours of technical CPD is related to both mechanical and electrical. The engineer in this example complies with the minimum requirement of 112.5 hours of technical CPD, and the minimum requirement of 50 hours per area of engineering.
Part-time or casual employment provision
The Board’s CRR requirements are more flexible for RPEQs who are working in a part-time or casual capacity.
For the purpose of this provision, full-time employment is defined as usually working 37.5 hours per week or more. Part-time/casual employment is defined as usually working less than 30 hours per week in all jobs.
While the Board has the discretion to review CPD compliance on a case-by-case basis, RPEQs who fall within the definition of part-time or casual employment may be eligible to complete reduced CPD hours over three years.
The Board’s requirements are, that to continue to be eligible for registration, RPEQs who are considered to be part-time or casual may:
- complete as a minimum, 112.5 hours of technical CPD over a three-year period leading up to the renewal or restoration of their registration in the area/s of engineering for which the applicant is, or was, registered;
- undertaking additional non-technical CPD is encouraged but will not count toward the required 112.5 hours that is required;
- undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering ethics; and
- undertake as a minimum, 1 hour of non-technical CPD covering risk management.
Career break provision
The Board’s CRR requirements are more flexible for RPEQs who have been on a career break of at least six months during the three year period. RPEQs who fall within the career break provision, may be eligible to complete 150 hours of CPD over five years rather than the standard three years.
A RPEQ is regarded to have had a career break if they have a period of leave from the workforce of at least six continuous months, but less than five years for any proper cause, such as:
- a serious illness
- parental leave
- extended travel
- caring for family members
- involuntary unemployment
CPD recordkeeping
The Board requires RPEQs to maintain their own CPD records.
It is good practice for RPEQs to review and update their CPD records regularly so that it remains accurate and can be provided for auditing purposes. RPEQs must also keep evidence in support of the CPD activities, such as certificate of completion, attendance records, invoice/receipt, in-house CPD records and attendance confirmation emails.
RPEQs should also keep details on how the CPD activities have extended their knowledge in the area/s of engineering for which they are, or were registered.
CPD audits
RPEQs who declare on their renewal form that they are part of an assessment entities CPD scheme, will be audited by that assessment entity for compliance.
RPEQs who declare on their renewal form that they comply with BPEQ’s CPD requirements, will be audited by the Board. The Board selects RPEQs for CPD audits through a combination of risk analysis and random selection.
RPEQs who do not meet their CPD obligations will have the opportunity to explain why they did not comply. Failure to comply and not having a valid reason may result in the RPEQ being refused registration or a condition being placed on their registration.
Related legislation:
- Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld): Sections 16, 20 and 24
Other Relevant Information:
Term | Description |
Applicant | An engineer who is applying for renewal or restoration of their registration as a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). |
Continuing Registration Requirements (CRR) | Continuing registration requirements are requirements that, if satisfied, demonstrate that an applicant for renewal or restoration of registration has maintained competency in the practice of engineering in the area of engineering for which the applicant is, or was, registered. |
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) | Continuing professional development involves maintaining and enhancing the technical and non-technical knowledge, skills and experience related to you professional activities following the completion of your formal training. |
Technical CPD | CPD that enhances an engineers technical skills such as technical courses and training, formal post-graduate study or structured learning activities in the workplace. |
Non-technical CPD | CPD that is non-technical in nature, such as courses and training on project management, ethics and law, risk management and communication. |
1Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld), section 20(2)(b)
2Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld), section 24(2)(b)