The Board is committed to protecting the public and setting the standard of engineering. BPEQ’s policies guide its decision making processes and expectations.

Complaints about the public official policy

The objective of this policy is to set out how the Board will deal with a complaint (also information or matter) that involves or may involve corrupt conduct of its public official as defined in the Crime and Corruption Act 2001.

Customer complaints management policy

This policy establishes the underlying principles and obligations of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (“the Board”) concerning the management and resolution of complaints.

Verification of documents policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Board’s position regarding verification of documents provided in applications for registration.

Continuing registration requirements policy

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the Board’s Continuing Registration Requirements (CRR) in accordance with Part 2, Division 4, Subdivision 1 of the Act, for engineers applying for renewal or restoration of their registration.

General registration process policy

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the Board’s Continuing Registration Requirements (CRR) in accordance with Part 2, Division 4, Subdivision 1 of the Act, for engineers applying for renewal or restoration of their registration.