The Board of Professional Engineers of Australia (Board or BPEQ) is Australia's first engineering regulator. The Board regulates the engineering profession in and for Queensland and maintains the Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) system.
Engineers carry out highly complex work that impacts the lives of the public. For that reason, it is critical engineers meet and uphold high standards of professional practice. The Professional Engineers Act requires that anyone carrying out a professional engineering service in Queensland or for Queensland must meet these standards and be registered as a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ) is responsible for regulating the vast and multi-faceted engineering profession in and for Queensland. You can make a complaint about the conduct of a RPEQ or unregistered persons.
Get in touch with the Board for enquiries, support, and more information. We're here to assist engineers and the community.
This policy is currently under review.