Continuing professional development audit selection policy

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Approved version: 1 December 2024


The purpose of this policy is to outline the Board’s policy as to how it will determine the list of RPEQs to be audited each year for compliance with its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy.


Implementation of auditing for compliance with the Board’s CPD policy will commence 1 July 2010.

RPEQs who declare they are part of an assessing entities CPD scheme including regular audits of their CPD will already been deemed to satisfy the Board’s requirements in relation to CPD.

RPEQs who are not part of an assessing entities CPD scheme may be subject to an audit carried out on behalf of the Board by an Approved Assessment Entity, or by assessors directly contracted to or employed by the Board. The cost of audits will be borne by the Board.


The Board will determine the annual list for auditing by a combined process of risk assessment and random selection. The number of audits to be carried out each year will be determined by the Board. Ideally all RPEQs will be regularly audited with a maximum period between audits of seven (7) years.


Related policy:

Continuing Registration Requirements Policy