Board reprimands RPEQ for unsatisfactory professional conduct

What happened?

The Board received a complaint about the conduct of a RPEQ in carrying out professional engineering services for a project undertaken in Queensland.

The complaint alleged that the RPEQ provided engineering designs and inspections of a carport and patio posts and to ensure they were installed correctly and met requirements.

The complaint alleged:

The Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld) (PE Act) provides grounds for disciplining a RPEQ “if the engineers have behaved in a way that constitutes unsatisfactory professional conduct.” 

What is unsatisfactory professional conduct?

Under the PE Act, unsatisfactory professional conduct includes the following:

What did the Board do?

The Board investigated the complaint. The Board’s investigation revealed:

After the investigation concluded, and pursuant to the PE Act the Board accepted the investigation findings and found the RPEQ’s conduct meets the definition of unsatisfactory professional conduct, namely:

As a result, the Board:

Don’t let this happen to you. Remember: