Court Documents and Subpoenas
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If you are a party to civil proceedings and wish to obtain documents from BPEQ that are relevant to an issue in the proceedings, a Notice of Non-Party Disclosure may be filed.
To maximise the opportunity for the Board to provide documents, we request that:
notices or information requests are limited for essential purposes only
the scope of notices or information requests are narrow and that you seek specific documents only
you provide us with 21 business days to process requests.
Service of documents
Court ordered requests:
Must be served on the Registrar
Must be addressed to:
Legal, Compliance and Investigations Unit
Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
Level 6, 288 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: (07) 3210 3100
Require personal service at: Level 6, 288 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Require a copy of the filed Claim, Statement of Claim, Notice of Intention to Defend and Defence to be provided with the documents.
Fees and payments
When you request documents for court proceedings, a fee known as ‘conduct money’ is payable.
Fees are based on time spent examining the material and inspection and/or copying documents. The fees associated with a Notice of Non-Party Disclosure are calculated in accordance with the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 or other relevant jurisdiction.
The Evidence Act 1977
If you are involved in civil proceedings, you may request documents from BPEQ under section 134A of the Evidence Act 1977 (Qld).
There is no prescribed time period for BPEQ to comply with the action.
The documents must be relevant to an issue in the proceedings and meet the requirements below:
Your request must be addressed to:
c/- Legal, Compliance and Investigations Unit
Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
Level 6, 288 Edward Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
P: (07) 3210 3100
The letter should state your specific request and detail the relevance of your request in relation to the court proceedings (pursuant to s .134.A of The Evidence Act 1977).
A copy of the filed Claim, Statement of Claim, Defence and Notice of Intention to Defend must be included with the request so that relevance to an allegation in the proceedings can be established.
Personal service is not required. The request can be emailed to the Legal, Compliance and Investigations Unit at: