Lodge a RTI application

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Right to Information (RTI) is the Queensland Government’s approach to giving the community greater access to information, equal access across all sectors of the community, and appropriate protection for individuals’ privacy. An individual has the right to request any information held by an agency and any documents containing their personal information.

The government will provide access to information it holds, unless it is not in the public interest to do so. 

You can find additional information about how to make a Right to Information or Information Privacy application to the Board below. 

How do I access information? 

  1. 1.
    Check existing information

    Before applying for information, check if what you are looking for is already available on our website.

    We publish routinely released information organised into categories via our publication scheme. You can also check the disclosure log for information previously released through RTI applications (subject to certain restrictions).

  2. 2.
    Contact us before you make an RTI application

    If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us to find out whether the information you need can be released administratively. You can contact us at:

    Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
    Level 6, 288 Edward Street
    Ph: (07) 3210 3100
    Email: legal@bpeq.qld.gov.au 

  3. 3.
    Lodge a RTI or IP application

    Lodge a RTI or IP application

    If you wish to make a formal application to access documents under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009 the application must be submitted on the approved form.

    You may submit your application via:

    Email:                 legal@bpeq.qld.gov.au

    Post:                    GPO Box 5216, BRISBANE QLD 4000

    In person:          Level 6, 288 Edward Street,

                                Brisbane QLD 4000

    The current fee for an application under the RTI Act is $55.75. This fee must be paid for your application to be valid. Depending on what information you request, processing charges and access charges may apply. 

    Remember, you must submit the approved form to make a formal application. 

RTI decisions 

In making a decision about whether to release information, an RTI decision maker must apply the provisions of the RTI Act. This may mean that certain requested documents will not be released.

Please note that BPEQ may request extensions of time to deal with access applications.

Review of RTI decisions 

If you disagree with a decision made under the RTI Act you can apply for a review of the decision. You can do this by: requesting an internal review in writing to the Registrar of the Board within twenty (20) business days of the date of the decision letter. A person at the same level or more senior to the original decision-maker will make a new decision; or requesting an external review in writing to the Office of the Information Commissioner within twenty (20) business days of the date of the decision letter. The Information Commissioner may try to mediate a settlement between the parties or make a new decision.

Amending personal information in a document 

Under the IP Act, you may request to amend personal information in a document if you believe the personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading. In the first instance, please contact us to amend your details. If you wish to make a formal application, you can submit an application using the Information privacy personal information amendment application form. There are no charges for applications to amend personal information.